University of Tennessee Foundation, Inc.

Formal name of the statewide organization, and is always used as the first reference in all external communications.

On second reference, UT Foundation (capitalized as shown) should be used.

Subsequent reference may use “the Foundation” or UTFI (both capitalized as shown).

UT Foundation Board of Directors and Committees

Used as a proper name, UT Foundation Board of Directors and UTFI Board are capitalized, as are committee names, such as Directorship committee. The word committee is not capitalized.

The following capitalizations are used in reference to titles of members of the board:

  • Director Kimberly Cross
  • Chair Philip Wenk
  • Audit and Compliance Committee Chair Greg Cox

When not in reference to a specific person, capitalizations are not used:

  • The chair called the meeting to order.
  • Each new director completes an orientation session.

System and Campuses

Referring to the University

University of Tennessee is the administrative/governing body for the statewide University of Tennessee system. On second and subsequent reference, UT System (capitalized as shown). The UT System may be referred to as “the University” on second or subsequent mention and, if so, University must be capitalized.

UT System is the statewide collective. The campuses, institutes, divisions, offices, properties and facilities statewide that make up the University as a whole.


University of Tennessee, Knoxville
UT Knoxville or UTK

University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
UT Chattanooga or UTC

University of Tennessee Southern
UT Southern or UTS

University of Tennessee at Martin
UT Martin or UTM

University of Tennessee Health Science Center
UT Health Science Center or UTHSC

University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture
UT Institute of Agriculture or UTIA

University of Tennessee Institute for Public Service
UT Institute for Public Service or IPS

University of Tennessee Space Institute
UT Space Institute or UTSI

University of Tennessee Alumni Association
UT Alumni Association or UTAA

University of Tennessee Research Foundation
UT Research Foundation or UTRF

University of Tennessee Research Park at Cherokee Farm
UT Research Park or UTRP

College Names Within the University

Uppercase College when used as part of the proper name of a college; lowercase otherwise.

  • Joe was accepted into the UT College of Veterinary Medicine.
  • Academic advisers help students choose appropriate college courses.

Titles of Departments

On first reference, use the full name of a department or administrative area, and capitalize all words except prepositions. On second and subsequent reference, when only a partial name is used, lowercase as shown.

  • UT Foundation Human Resources is conducting the executive search.
  • Human resources will contact prospective candidates.

Staff Titles

The table below lists the official names of the UT Foundation offices and senior staff titles.

Office Name Senior Staff Title(s)
Office of the President University of Tennessee Foundation President Kerry Witcher
Office of Business Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer
Office of Planned Giving Assistant Vice President Planned Giving
UT Alumni Association Assistant Vice President Alumni Affairs and Advocacy
Office of Advancement Services Assistant Vice President Advancement Services
Office of Communications Director of Communications
Chattanooga Vice Chancellor and Executive Director of the UC Foundation
Health Science Center Vice Chancellor for Development and Alumni Affairs
Institute of Agriculture Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement
Knoxville Vice Chancellor for Advancement
Martin Vice Chancellor for University Advancement
Southern Vice Chancellor for Advancement

Events, Seasons, Holidays, Alum/Alumni, Doctor


Capitalize in reference to a specific, named campus event:
UT Chattanooga Homecoming 2021

Lowercase in general use:
Anne looked forward to the family’s homecoming.

Seasons, semesters, holidays

The four seasons are not capitalized.

Semesters are not capitalized: fall semester, spring break, summer session.

Religious holidays are capitalized, as are most secular holidays.


  • Alumni: plural male graduates and plural gender neutral graduates
  • Alumnus: usually single male graduate, less often single female graduate
  • Alumna: single female graduate
  • Alumnae: plural female graduates
  • Alum: single graduate, gender neutral
  • Alums: plural graduates, gender neutral


Within body copy on websites, emails and press releases, the abbreviation Dr. is used only before the name of a person who holds a medical (MD or DVM) degree. Use Dr. in first reference as a formal title before the name of an individual who holds a doctor of dental surgery, doctor of medicine, doctor of optometry, doctor of osteopathic medicine, doctor of podiatric medicine or doctor of veterinary medicine.

The form Dr., or Drs., in a plural construction, applies to all first-reference uses before a name, including direct quotations. Do not continue the use of subsequent references.

Do not use Dr. before the names of individuals who hold other types of doctoral degrees. Instead, when necessary or appropriate for a specific audience: Andrew Hicks, who has a doctorate in chemistry, was lead researcher. In a list: Andrew Hicks, Ph.D.


Words or Numerals

Generally, use words in reference to numbers one through nine, and numerals in reference to numbers 10 and above.

  • All four sessions were attended by at least 15 people.
  • Three finalists were chosen from the pool of 52 candidates.

Numerals are always used to refer to time of day, dates, ages, percentages—with “percent” always spelled out, not indicated by the percent sign:

  • Classes for children 6 and older begin at 8 am on May 10.
  • Tuition is not expected to increase more than 3 percent.

If the specific age is used as an adjective or as a substitute for a noun, it should be hyphenated. Don’t use apostrophes when describing an age range.

  • The student is 21 years old.
  • The girl, 8, has a brother, 11.
  • The contest is for 18-year-olds.
  • He is in his 20s.

Ordinal numbers

Generally, the same guideline applies as in words and numerals. Use words to refer to ordinal numbers first through ninth, and numeral versions of ordinal numbers 10th and above.

  • He graduated first in his class, while his twin brother graduated 20th.
  • All of the children in fifth grade were mentored by students in 10th grade.

Note: Word processing programs like MS Word often superscript ‘th’ and ‘st’ in a smaller font size automatically, but in both print and online, we plan to use the same font size and weight.

Telephone numbers

Use figures: 865-555-1500. Use hyphens, not periods.

For toll-free numbers: 800-111-1000.

If extension numbers are needed, use a comma to separate the main number from the extension: 865-555-1500, ext. 2.


Always use figures in numbered addresses. Abbreviate Ave., Blvd., and St. and directional cues when used with a numbered address. Always spell out other words such as alley, drive and road. If the street name or directional cue is used without a numbered address, it should be capitalized and spelled out.

If a street name is a number, spell out First through Ninth and use figures for 10th and higher.


No apostrophe: 1920s1980smid-1970s

Spell out thirties, forties, fifties, sixties


When referring to online content in print or in text, our preferred practice is to drop “http://”, “https://” or “www” in URL (web address) references. Most web servers will accept URLs with or without “www” and redirect as necessary, or the “www” prefix may conflict with another subdomain (example:

There may be exceptions in cases when the URL won’t work for certain browsers if the “www” is not inserted as part of the address. It is recommended that the URL be tested and confirmed— including whether the use of “www” is necessary — before it is included in written communication. Treat each case as practical considerations demand.

These same rules apply to writing for the web or digital platforms. In a digital context, present URL references as actual hyperlinks, linking to the full https:// URL in the link itself, but dropping the https:// or “www.” in the text itself.

When referencing a URL (web address) on social media, be sure to test and confirm the full URL and copy and paste. Social media platforms each have their own way or conventions of displaying a web preview or shortening a hyperlink.

Brand Guidelines for the University of Tennessee Foundation are maintained by UT Foundation Communications.


(865) 974-2115


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