Primary Colors

Color is one of the most recognizable aspects of our brand identity. By longstanding tradition, orange is the color most generally associated with UT and serves as a primary color within UTFI’s color palette. Additional colors within the palette work well as backgrounds and design elements.

UT System OrangeUT System Orange
PMS 151
CMYK 0/50/100/0
RGB 255/130/0
HEX #FF8200

UT System GrayUT System Gray
PMS Cool Gray
CMYK 0/0/0/80
RGB 88/89/91
HEX #58595B

Ut System BlackUT System Black
PMS Black C
CMYK 0/0/0/100
RGB 0/0/0
HEX #000000

UT System WhiteUT System White
CMYK 0/0/0/0
RGB 255/255/255

Secondary Colors

Campus Colors
The following colors are preferred when representing the five campuses of the UT System.

UTC Gold

UT Chattanooga

PMS 124
CMYK 0/27/100/6
RGB 224/170/15

UTHSC GreenGreen
UT Health Science Center

PMS 343
CMYK 89/19/72/60
RGB 17/87/64
HEX #115740

UT System OrangeOrange
UT Knoxville

PMS 151
CMYK 0/50/100/0
RGB 255/130/0
HEX #FF8200

UTM NavyNavy
UT Martin

PMS 289
CMYK 99/84/45/51
RGB 10/34/64
HEX #0A2240

UTS RedRed
UT Southern

PMS 186
CMYK 0/92/77/22
RGB 200/16/46
HEX #C8102E

Accent Colors
Continuing to tell the richness and complexity of our story, the UT Foundation has adopted deeply saturated hues to add depth and richness to visual communications. These accent colors should be used sparingly and should complement the overall design.

Teal GradientTeal
PMS 7713
CMYK 100/33/42/7
RGB 0/123/138
HEX #007B89

Citrine GradientCitrine
PMS 16-0952
CMYK 12/43/100/13
RGB 197/137/33
HEX #C58921

Jade GradientJade
PMS 18-6216
RGB 86/111/89
HEX #566F59

Amethyst GradientAmethyst
PMS 19-2009
CMYK 64/74/43/29
RGB 90/67/90
HEX #5A445A

Rubellite GradientRubellite
PMS 19-2045 TCX
CMYK 2/100/19/46
HEX #900049

Color Distribution
The orange and gray are the primary colors of the UT Foundation and are recognizable for our brand and the UT System. It is recommended that the UT orange make up at least 10 percent of the visual design.

Campus colors should be used proportionally if they are serving as a campus representation. UTFI accent colors should never represent more than 20 percent of the visual design, given their deeply saturated hues.

Color Distribution 1

Color Distribution 3

Color Distribution 2

Brand Guidelines for the University of Tennessee Foundation are maintained by UTFI Office of Communications.


(865) 974-2115


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